cross dressing

Rollercoaster out of control

Hi All, I have been on a journey for a while now, as you may have guessed if you have read any of my previous ramblings or posts.    Through out this my Mistress(wife) has stood by me, up for …

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Hi All,

I have been on a journey for a while now, as you may have guessed if you have read any of my previous ramblings or posts.    Through out this my Mistress(wife) has stood by me, up for me, and kept me strong when its got tough.   My ride on this roller coaster started along time ago before I met Mistress when I discovered I like female clothing (mainly underwear – stockings etc).  Then I met my first wife and the interest in underwear continued – but crossdressing never want any where and I had never really thought about it either to be really honest.   Yes I was a kinky fxcker and was in to latex – but that was where it go to.   Then my life changed quite dramatically with my wife dyeing and I thought that it was the end of my kinky life and my desirers and then I met my wonderful sexy Mistress(wife).  She re-awakened everything inside me and helped me rediscover sex, love and life.   And I know I would not be the man (yes man) I am now without her.

She helped awaken Lucy (my otherside) through a holiday away – a visit to a shoe shop and then later a visit to my family where she encouraged me to come out and tell my family that I am a crossdresser.  And at this point the little coaster started climbing again.

Since then I have been very public about my crossdressing, I dont have a male wardrobe anymore – all my jeans, shirts, underwear, jumpers, shoes are female now. And I am very content in my skin.  Through M’s guidance I do not wear out or buy anything that would cause me to offend anyone or more particular for someone to abuse me.  I Have had quite a few incidents over the last few years now – and each one leaves you slightly scared – the worst less than 12 months ago where it left me very shaken and upset.

I have quite an obsessive side to me – that once I want something I want more and more and more – It gets to the point when sometimes I don’t know when to stop – and thankfully there are usually people around me who stop me.

I know with all my crossdressing (and that I now have boobs – see previous posts) that I have come a long way and the coaster is now at the top of the hill.  To go up would mean moving further forward into being a woman.. and yes..

  1. Hair has grown
  2. Trying to look more feminine
  3. Don’t buy any male clothes

    All of these would make you think that’s my path.   But I know I have no desire to be a woman.    1,2,3 are all about trying to fit in and stop the abuse.  There are still a lot of people with little minds and they start very young, two small incidents over the weekend with kids.  A young girl (approx 12) – asked me if I was a boy or a girl and when I said boy – said “errrrrrr” very loudly and then the following day a group of young boys on bike shocked I Had a pink coat on…  Just minor but there.  And I know people stare at me – but to be very honest – a lot of the time I enjoy the thrill of it and that It gets them a little confused.

However I have no interest in men, being in a relationship with a man or even dressing heavily female when I am out and about – it just does not interest me.  And this is now why the coaster is out of control.

Mistress has told me she feels that I am on path and that in a year we may not be together…

This has left me really very shaken – I love her with all my heart and do not ever want to be with out her by my side.  She means the world to me.  And is not only my wife and lover she’s my soulmate.

So now I need to get the coaster to slow down –  We both know that if stops totally it will not be right for me – and I think for her either – but I really need to find a way to control it.

Until next time


  Posted by Lucy on March 29, 2021


Hi Everyone, Mistress decided that on the 1st June that chastity was to come back but with the addition of the locking corset to keep me interested (or that is how she put it). So I am locked back in …

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Hi Everyone,

Mistress decided that on the 1st June that chastity was to come back but with the addition of the locking corset to keep me interested (or that is how she put it).

So I am locked back in this device

Chastity Device

Chastity Device

Which I wrote about before that is just a cheap clone.  It cost me £25 at the time but it has turned out to be the best device for me.  It goes through my PA and gives it no issues which means its very secure.  Without snapping it etc I am pretty much stuck.  I can comfortable wear this for 7-14 days with no release.  When I get released its purely just for cleaning as being non circumcised I can get issues with the foreskin getting caught or inflamed but this device works – Mistress knows this.  The downside is its bull trap and you get woken in the early hours with night time attempted erections, or when Mistress teases you – or pulls the corset on tight 🙂 But that’s all part of the denial.

But as well as chastity I am being locked into this every morning for 8-10 hours at a time…

Rear of Corset

This corset is heavily boned and is being used for waist training along with the lock it is an incredible piece of corsetry.  It was made by Meschantes Corsertry (  a few years ago and its just incredible.  No matter how tight Mistress pulls it it holds and pulls in and after a period of time Mistress will just pull it in tighter and tighter and tighter.  She loves it when my breathing gets shallower and my poor locked penis strains in the cage each time she pulls it in.

So what’s going to happen?

I don’t actually know the answer to this question.  Mistress decides if and when I will get an orgasm or how many days that the corset will be applied for.   I do know that I have asked that I am corsetted as much as possible.  Its now the fifth consecutive day of being locked in both corset and chastity and I am very content.  The most sexually content I have felt for a few months.  The corset is giving me a waist that I have always wanted.  My posture has to change and I am standing more upright and sitting more upright.   So we will see what happens 🙂

A little video of my current predicament….


Hugs and Kisses

Lucy x




  Posted by Lucy on June 5, 2020  /  Tags: , ,

Boobs are coming

The breast Augmentation is booked.  I am surprisingly calm.  I know it’s something I want.  I am travelling abroad – but within the EU.  I am not going to have huge boobs  – just something that will work for me. …

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The breast Augmentation is booked.  I am surprisingly calm.  I know it’s something I want.  I am travelling abroad – but within the EU.  I am not going to have huge boobs  – just something that will work for me.

Somebody said to me – “if you not having big boobs what’s the point?” She is trans – I think this is a very strange view – I am not a porn star, internet star or looking to make money from them.  Most women who have large boobs wish they were smaller and most women with small boobs want bigger?!?!  I just want what is right for me 🙂

I Know I am not trans, or at least not in the traditional way?  I don’t dress male – I crossdress all the time and I cannot wait to be able to wear tops, bra’s and dresses that fit properly.  I will keep you all updated – but its going to happen.

If you have any comments please ask.


Lucy x

  Posted by Lucy on August 1, 2019  /  Tags: , ,

Lucy Latex’s Afternoon

Lucy spent the afternoon with Mistress. She was dressed nicely but Mistress chained her down to the bed and then found her special part. After some coaxing it just errupted and then Mistress made Lucy eat it. Just like the …

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Lucy spent the afternoon with Mistress. She was dressed nicely but Mistress chained her down to the bed and then found her special part. After some coaxing it just errupted and then Mistress made Lucy eat it. Just like the good little slut she is #rubberdoll # fmlr

  Posted by Lucy on April 14, 2017